“Apenas os pequenos segredos precisam ser guardados, os grandes ninguém acredita” (H. Marshall)

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2025 and the course correction in the New Era

The commercialization of mysticism that we see today is a common problem, but it is not the only one. Jesus also insinuated that the Temple was outdated, so esotericism should not merely replace religions but rather be used for a new inner evolution. By “replacing religions” we refer to the old attitude of no longer taking spirituality seriously and of fostering personality cults. Unfortunately, the modern rishis who are highly praised are also very mistaken about the ultimate goal of spirituality being to rest in a supposed “original state”. This is only part of the work. Afterwards or at the same time, one must be strengthened with new energies and it may not be enough to simply receive them as the Moon does, but rather to incorporate them creatively with heroic efforts to become an invictus Sun of true enlightenment. However, in schools with more advanced teachings we also encounter problems.

We have observed with regret that among the supposed followers of Alice A. Bailey, fanaticism can manifest itself in an even more acute way than among theosophists, due to the glamorization created around the great authors and their supposedly revealed messages, the vanity of knowing about the new era and of being among the supposed servants of the Hierarchy.

These are spirits who have usually limited themselves to the most superficial of those teachings - we have been emphatic in demonstrating the low esoteric use of this knowledge - and have sometimes acted in some service, feeling special and capable of attacking any thought they imagine dissonant with their own or with the little they have studied and practiced.

Nevertheless, this situation would also be expected considering the more advanced energy that Bailey's teachings contain, unbalancing some spirits who are less prepared for their impact. People already inclined to spiritual power can also seek there a way to channel their illusions. Even in the Arcane School, sectarian attitudes can be seen today that Bailey disapproved of in Theosophy and sought to reform. Bailey spoke of the need for new spiritual movements and not the creation of new bubbles. True occultism clearly distinguishes the difference between forming elites and practicing elitism.

As a result of all this, we can observe the seeds of Black Lodges being created around Bailey's work, confirming that the time for their overcoming has indeed come. Bailey is the best informant about the nefarious nature of the Brothers of the Shadows, and at the same time a strong attraction for them. When the Black Lodge organically takes over knowledge and no efforts are made to purify it, it is because that current is beginning to be compromised. These situations also confirm the lack of authentic spiritual foundations in the doctrines channeled by amanuenses, giving the illusion that the person no longer needs to submit to some ostentatious discipline of ashrams or monasteries and make important renunciations in order to truly have access to the great truths of existence, without illusions about themselves or distortions of knowledge itself.

The channelings are providential resources used by the Hierarchies, aiming to fill certain historical gaps through special sensitives, especially female ones due to women's sensitivity. However, this does not replace traditional initiation, and in fact aims to prepare its timely restoration, as suggested by the Plan for the preparation of humanity for the New Age revealed by Alice A. Bailey.

Bailey was wise enough to point out the importance of the principle of rectification in the study of occult doctrines - as suggested in the alchemical symbol of VITRIOL. He who studies an occult teaching without a critical eye is not really a good student. This is the difference between the initiatory eagle and the religious lamb.

For better or worse, the hybrid tendencies of modern Theosophy have affected countless mystical and esoteric currents in the West in particular. The 2025 milestone announced by the Hierarchies, however, aims to begin to correct these historical distortions. Without spiritual foundations, all we have are flying balloons. A Master will always be an apprentice, but someone who has never really learned will never be wise.

That is why the Masters are not interested in knowing whether someone has acted in front of crowds, spreading wonderful teachings or guided thousands in meditations that they consider important. They want to know above all whether the person has ever swept the floor of their house or cleaned latrines, and whether they have ever planted their own food or built their own house - and even better if it is all collective and spiritual, generating dynamics of service and support for others.

What human being deserves to be called that if they do not care about the dignity of the human figure?! Otherwise, the person would not be very useful to the Hierarchies. It is not intelligence and theories that move the Masters, but practice and compassion. After all, what else translates the mountains of theories that drive these mystical New Age societies, if not the lack of consistent spiritual proposals for the individual and the collective?! 

And let's not even talk about the serious problem of racism and xenophobia, which so often creeps into esoteric doctrines in more or less subtle and cunning ways, such as proposing endless "cycles" for races and civilizations! As if History had not already given ample evidence that true spirituality never favors oppression and prejudice.

Finally, it is time to remember that there are only two paths to spirituality, as the Cathars observed when speaking of the simple and the perfect, that is: either the person truly follows in the footsteps of the great initiates, or tries to serve them in the best way possible.

To learn more 

Four Key Points to be Revisited in Theosophy

2025 and the Prophecies 

The Legend of the Kalki Avatar 

Kalki and Padma – a cosmic encounter

See also

Whart are the Masters 

Maitreya's Enlightenment

About the Author

Luís A. W. Salvi (LAWS) has been studying the Ancient Mysteries for over 50 years. A specialist in the Philosophies of Time and Practical Esotericism, he also develops works in the areas of Perennialism, Deep Psychology, Esoteric Anthropology, Holistic Sociology and others. He has already published dozens of works through Agartha Publisher, in addition to maintaining the Agartha wTV Channel.

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